Saturday, January 5, 2013

Husband Fail

So, Brent and I were just having a lovely birthday dinner out. We were talking about the severity of my seizures the past two days. Specifically, there's a lot of head banging going on. Nope, not like "Smells like Teen Spirit," but yet more of a skull vs. floor death match.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Brent says, "Have you thought of anything we could do if I'm not there? How about a helmet?"

What-awhaaaat? Did he just go there?

To continue digging his hole he says "REI has some really cool ones these days."

Yup, happy birthday to me.


  1. Have your watched Garden State? If not, Natalie Portman's character wears a helmet due to seizures. If she can pull if off, so can you!!

  2. This makes me laugh SO hard. Poor guys digging holes they just can't climb out of ;)
