Is a Neurologist's "event."
The good news is that I had my Neurologist appointment Thursday. He gave me the test results from my EEG's.
Apparently, one showed some slowing in both hemispheres of my frontal lobe, caused possibly by my multiple childhood head traumas and concussions. Yet, even with those findings...
My EEG's did not show an seizure activity in my brain. Meaning, the electrical activity is not epileptic in nature.
However, he was cautious in his explanation of my "events." He says they are "real" and "something is going on," but it is not epilepsy.
Our next steps...
1) One of my meds that I take for my sleep disorder can cause "convulsions" and "seizures" so we're taking that out of my treatment under the advisement of my prescribing doctor.
2) I have a follow up with Rheumatology next week to discuss their view on my illness, considering I've had multiple ANA tests come back "slightly positive." My PCM has said lupus is always a possibility...
3) Talking with the Neurologist, Brent and I were able to strongly make connections to my "triggers." It seems that I have trouble with too much sensory input. The doc believes that for whatever reason, my brain is going into shut down mode (which for me is seizure-like behavior) whenever I have too much stimuli coming in. Apparently, my brain is having a hard time filtering stimuli out. The problem is, how do we get my brain to function normally??? (And...what IS normal? Lol)
We will continue to work towards my overall health being better. I am trying to have the utmost faith in my treatment team as we continue to move forward.
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