Saturday, January 12, 2013

"I See a Light..."

No, it's not the light at the end of the tunnel...

For those of you who have seen Finding Nemo, close your eyes and remember the deep sea angler fish. (Open them because you can't read with them closed, silly...) In the scene with the angler fish, Marlin and Dory have swam into deep water following after the mask, trying to rectify the only way they can get back to Nemo.

I have found it for those of you who need a refresher and/or have never seen Finding Nemo. (Note, the latter of you should get out more.) Skip the following clip to minute marker 1:40.

Dory and Marlin meet the Deep Sea Angler Fish

When I'm having the moments before a seizure and I'm in the trance-like stare part, it FEELS like what Marlin and Dory say...

"I see a light...over there...It's so...pretty. I'm feeling...happy....I want to touch it...oh..."

Really, I don't see a "light." But I do sense the euphoric feeling that lured Dory and Marlin to stick around the light long enough until the deep sea angler showed it's demonic appearance and scared the pee/poop out of those two little fishies. (Please note, to this day, I still am in the Haven't-Peed-Myself club. Go me!)

Just another way for you all to get a glimpse into my body and mind.

Four days and a wake-up until I have my Neuro appointment!

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